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”But it does require decisions and I do not like decisions

I’d rather wait

You know

For it, to come to me

That has happened before, though might be that

Still waiting




But I am told not to wait since

There is an expiry date for everything, for everyone”

”The delicate play of light, sound and movement guide the focus of the two moving bodies on stage.  A dialogue of two women where moments of softness, loneliness, tension and honest encounters emerge and become palpable for the audience.” 

solmussa is a duet by the artistic group transversalis.production in which physical negotiation is composed and expressed through the poetry of movement in a light-sound-props landscape. The title is Finnish and translates to "entangled." It suggests to represent the complexity of relationships and negotiations within. The title is shortened from ”se ol’ mussa” which spoken in Finnish dialect means "it is in me", encouraging the thought that the problem and the solution is within ourselves. solmussa submit to self-reflection, which is the physical and mental premise of this piece.


Artistic direction & choreography: Aura Antikainen

Concept & Production | Performance & Co-Creation: Christa Stöffelbauer, Deborah Manavi

Sound & Light Design | Texts: Aura Antikainen


Premiere: 13. & 14. May 2022, Kulturhaus Dock 4, Kassel

Guest Performances: 10. & 11. June 2022, das LOT, Vienna

With the kind support of Tanzwerkstatt Kassel, Kulturamt Kassel, the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, the Dr. Wolfgang Zippel-Stiftung and Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Wien. In cooperation with the Kulturhaus Dock 4, Kassel and Das Lot Vienna.

To support our work you are welcome to donate to our project account with the subject "solmussa Tanzperformance": Deborah Manavi, IBAN DE 6143 0609 6712 2780 6902

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